
If you get pain in your back or buttock going down into your leg, you may have sciatica. It can come and go, or can be constant and incapacitating. Sitting for long periods tends to increase the pain. Some people also experience muscle weakness and numbness in their affected leg.

Chiropractic treatment for Sciatica
Sciatic pain

Our Chiropractor is an expert at providing treatment to help relieve sciatica

Our Chiropractor has seen hundreds of cases of sciatica and for many of his patients they didn’t know what to do and would resort to taking pain killers to try and get some relief. There are many conflicting pieces of advice as to what to do for the best. Do you keep active or rest? Which stretches will help?

What is important to remember is that not all cases are the same. For some, sciatica may be caused by a disc, for others it could be muscle spasm pushing on the sciatic nerve. The different causes will require different solutions. What is important is that you have a thorough case history and examination to establish the cause.

At Prime Therapy Clinic you will be asked lots of questions and receive a full orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic examination to help establish the exact cause. Then you can be sure the treatment you receive is appropriate for you. On some occasions it may be necessary to get further information form an x-ray or MRI scan and our Chiropractor can help arrange this for you. It is rarely necessary to use these methods to establish the cause but in some cases it is important.

The treatment for your sciatica will be tailored to meet your needs, depending on the cause. It might include manipulation, muscle techniques or McKenzie exercise.  This is a physiotherapy technique that our Chiropractor is trained in. It has fantastic outcomes for certain types of sciatica. Dry needling (a form of acupuncture based on the western medical understanding of the body)

So stop the guess work around what you should do for your sciatica. Find a proper solution with a Chiropractic assessment.