Free resources

We have put together this page of free resources to provide you with some helpful information. 

When it comes to getting out of pain or preventing it from coming back the best person to be able to help is you!

However it is not always clear what the right things to do are and sometimes you need some guidance. You can also help yourself much more effectively if you have the right tools.

Here at Prime therapy Clinic we not only provide treatment but place a large focus on education and trying to give people skills and knowledge to be a able to help themselves. That is why we have created this page with free resources, downloads and links to information and videos to help you.

As a Chiropractor I can diagnose, provide treatment and give guidance as to what needs to be done but ultimately the person who is going to have the greatest influence is you so we aim to help you get the most out of yourself too. At Prime Therapy Clinic we are passionate about decreasing the burden musculo-skeletal conditions have and to enable us to do that effectively it is important not only to provide treatment but to provide resources and knowledge to help people help themselves! We hope you find the resources available on this page useful and if you need any further information or advice please feel free to ask. We are always happy to help.

Mark- Chiropractor at Prime Therapy Clinic in Grantham.

Free back pain resources

Free guide on different patterns of back pain and how to find the right approaches for your type of pain 

Patterns of back pain

If you are suffering from a new onset of back pain (pain that has been present for less that 6 weeks) you will find this comprehensive guide useful. It details what the latest scientific research states are the most effective things to do. It covers what the best ways to decrease pain are, exercises that are useful, advice on signs and symptoms to indicate it might be due to something more serious and also how to prevent it from recurring in the future. Click on the pic below for the free PDF guide.


If you are suffering from persistent back pain, which is pain that has been present for more than 3 months then the treatment needed is different. Click on the image below for our comprehensive guide to treating persistent back pain. It details why pain that persists is different to a new onset of pain and what are the best treatment options based on the latest evidence.



Resources for other painful conditions