Kinesio tape – The magic of the colored tape

[testimonial client=”Lance Armstrong from his book – Every Second Counts”]The team chiropractor had something that was better than any laser, wrap, or electric massager. He had The Tape. It was a special hot pink athletic tape that came from Japan and seemed to have special powers…It could seriously fix things.[/testimonial]


You may have seen some sportsmen and women on the telly wearing some funky looking tape that comes in all sorts of bright fancy colours. If not look out for it at the Olympics and I’m sure you will spot it.  It’s not some fashion accessory for cool kids and sport stars but a therapeutic tape known as Kinesio tape. The good news is it’s not just the preserve of athletes and can be used to help you too! It is a tape with elastic properties that are utilised to:

  •  Help relax tight muscles
  •  Encourage weak muscles to work
  •  Reduce swelling
  •  Provide pain relief
  • Help reduce joint instability

It is an excellent form of therapy and can be used to help a variety of conditions including back pain, neck pain, shoulder and knee problems and not forgetting of course… sporting injuries.

The tape is a great compliment to chiropractic care enhancing and increasing the therapeutic benefits seen during your treatment.

Congratulations to team GB

I was amazed at some of the performances at the Olympics this year. It was a great spectacle and has been an inspiration to many. It seems incredible that human beings are capable of such remarkable feats.

But what goes into making these super human athletes? Strict diets, arduous training regimes and a team of other dedicated professionals to help keep them in top condition. For many of the teams this includes a Chiropractor. Chiropractic has helped Usain Bolt be the fastest man in the world and assisted Bradley Wiggins win the tour de France.

Chiropractic is a growing profession and as more research is done into its effectiveness it is becoming more accepted and more widely used. Sports teams and athletes have realised the benefits of chiropractic for many years but this Olympics was the first to have Chiropractors included in the Polyclinic.  Here they worked as part of a multidisciplinary team to ensure that the Olympic athletes got the best available treatment.


You don’t have to be an Olympian to receive Chiropractic care, benefits include:


  • Getting rid of pain such as Back Pain, Neck Pain and Joint Pain
  • Improved Posture
  • Increased Range of Motion
  • Reduced Risk of Injury
  • Reduced Migraines and Headaches
  • Improved Recovery after Sports Injuries


So whether you are a top athlete, recreational athlete or getting a bit of pain from spending too much time enjoying watching the Olympics on the TV give Prime Chiropractic a call today to see how we can help you too.

How to Reduce Pain with your diet

You may be thinking what has my diet got to do with my back pain? When we think of what causes pain or makes it worse we often think of physical things such as overdoing it at the gym, sitting for too long in a poor posture, a trip or fall. Whilst all of these are very relevant and obviously contribute, it is not the only aspect of what occurs causing us to feel the pain. In fact a lot of physical pain we feel is actually due to inflammation. This is necessary and part of the healing process but if it happens in excess it can lead to chronic inflammation that represents a lack of tissue healing and actually promotes ongoing tissue damage.

What has this got to do with your diet? Well different types of food are either pro- or anti- inflammatory. Anti inflammatory foods will help the body deal with inflammation and aid in tissue healing, pro inflammatory foods will escalate the inflammatory response making it more virulent and so increase pain at the same time!

Dietary imbalances are responsible for creating a diet induced, pro inflammatory state that leads to chronic inflammation (1). That sounds a bit fancy and complicated but what it essentially means is that the wrong type of diet will mean an injury will cause more havoc, last longer and lead to more problems.

Think of it like a forest fire started from a lit match. They typically tend to happen in hot, dry arid areas like the Australian outback, the same lit match would not have the same effect in a wet woodland such as Sherwood forest after its been raining!

Good foods to eat that are anti-inflammatory.

Fruit, vegetables, potatoes are all packed full of vitamins and minerals. Grass/pasture fed meat. Fresh fish, eggs, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds are all great sources of omega 3. My personal favourites dark chocolate and red wine (in moderation). Adding spices to food such as ginger, turmeric, garlic, oregano, majoram, cumin etc.. not only adds to the flavour of food but also to the health benefits!

Foods that are pro-inflammatory:

Most processed/ packaged food- these are full of chemicals/additives that are pro-inflammatory. Deep fried food, cakes and biscuits. Also grains/ grain products such as bread.

People tend to generally know what foods are good for them but not necessarily that diet can influence pain. I hope this may provide a bit of insight and provide even more of an incentive to eat healthily!

Eat well!

1)      Seamen DR. The diet induced pro-inflammatory state: a cause of chronic pain and other degenerative diseases? J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2002;25:168-179